Bart's cartoon about an angry dad is turned into "Angry Dad: The Movie" a..
Bart's cartoon about an angry dad is turned into "Angry Dad: The Movie" and quickly bees a critics' favorite. When Russell Brand presents the Golden Globe to Bart's film, Homer usurps the podium and gives his own acceptance speech. The film's winning streak continues with Homer taking credit at each ceremony, so when "Angry Dad" receives an Oscar nomination, Bart keeps it a secret. With the help of DJ Kwanzaa, Homer and Marge arrive at the ceremony just as Halle Berry presents the award. Bart's fellow nominee, Nick Park, helps him realize that creating a film is a team effort, and Bart gives credit where credit is due.《辛普森一家 第二十二季》在线观看地址: 欢迎把《辛普森一家 第二十二季》网址推荐分享给身边的好友谢谢!
1、《辛普森一家 第二十二季》是哪些演员主演的?
2、《辛普森一家 第二十二季》好不好看?
3、《辛普森一家 第二十二季》的影评
马头里面的反派角色合演的真的是好让人看了非常恨如果你讨厌一个反派角色那么证明他的演技非常成功。结局总是让人意外惊喜挺喜欢Romain Basset的作品的!
4、特别喜欢《辛普森一家 第二十二季》真的都是真才适量,打戏看着特别舒服时不时还带点笑点剧情通顺,Matthew Nastuk 很用心,很努力的去做好一部电影。