1779. Eight-year-old Ludwig van Beethoven, called "Louis", is already known as a musical ..
1779. Eight-year-old Ludwig van Beethoven, called "Louis", is already known as a musical prodigy. He learns to go his own way - much to the dismay of the people around him. Some years later, he meets Mozart during times of political upheaval. The unconventional genius and French Revolution are sparking a fire in Louis' heart; he doesn't want to serve a master - only the arts. Facing times of family tragedies and unrequited love, he almost gives up. However, Louis makes it to Vienna to study under Haydn in 1792, and the rest is history. Who was this man, whose music has since touched countless hearts and minds? At the end of his life, the master is isolated by loss of loved ones and hearing. Surely though, he was way ahead of his times.《贝多芬》在线观看地址:http://www.f4qq.com/tenxun/46709.html 欢迎把《贝多芬》网址推荐分享给身边的好友谢谢!
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4、特别喜欢《贝多芬》真的都是真才适量,打戏看着特别舒服时不时还带点笑点剧情通顺,Niki Stein 很用心,很努力的去做好一部电影。